One Way to Look At It

The fresh water supplies that the human population depends on are less than .05 percent of all the water on Earth.  Global consumption of water is doubling every 20 years, more than twice the rate of human population growth. Most of this water is being used in...

U. S. History

1500s Iroquois women own the land and control the economy of the Iroquois nation. The women supervise the distribution of food, and clan mothers appoint tribal chiefs and can demand their removal. Cherokee clan mothers select male leaders, and have a strong voice in...

Violence in Intimacy

Between 1 and 4 million women experience serious assault by an intimate partner each year. Forty seven percent of men who beat their wives do so at least 3 times a year. Nearly 1 in 3 adult women experience at least 1 physical assault by a partner during adulthood....


The average age of entry into prostitution in the US is 14. Between 75 to over 90% of prostituted girls and women are victims of childhood sexual abuse, often with multiple perpetrators. In a 1998 study of prostitution in five countries including the US, 73% of...

The 70’s

In 1970, the United Auto Workers became the first major national union to endorse the ERA. The Department of Justice filed the first Title VII suit of sex discrimination in employment. Women from 43 tribes and 23 states organized the North American Indian...